sábado, 14 de julio de 2012

Sebastian Darke: Prince of Explorers

After 3 books of adventures with Sebastian, Max, and Cornelius, Philip Caveney decides to end the trilogy of the Prince of Fools. This book means a lot to me, Sebastian Darke meant a lot to me! (:

I'm a huge fan of the series, I know almost everything about the books, but sadly, it's now over! And I have to say this was an amazing ending for such an epic trilogy that will always be in my heart! :3

This time Sebastian, Max, and Cornelius, team up to go on an expedition organized by Thaddeus Peel in order to get money to get back and get the treasure they found with Jenna Swift in book two. The mission Peel assigned them was bring back a proof of the existance of the lost city of Mendip, an ancient civilization which has been spoken of in many generations. On the way, the warriors arrive with a tribe called the Jilith where they meet a woman named Keera, the daughter of the Maccan, the leader of this tribe.

According go the Jilith, Sebastian is 'The Chosen One'. The Jilith have this rare prophecy that says that one day a man with a tricorn hat will arrive to the city and save them from an evil force that has been haunting them for ages, the Gograths. The Jilith and the travelers make a deal, that if they get the Gograths out of town, they will be allowed to go Mendip (someone from the tribe happens to know where it is located.) Later, Cornelius and Sebastian team up with other warriors named Cal and Galt to defeat the Gograths, and when they do it, they head to the city of Mendip, along with Keera and a mute girl named Salah.

This book was great, it had lots of actions, friendship, and I loved the relationships between the characters. When they got to the city and meet Aaron (an old man that takes care of the children of the city) it really made me wanna cry because he had sacrificed a lot just for the children's lives. I liked that there were two kinds of villains in the story. First the Gograths, and then the Night Runners. Personally, I think the Night Runners were the best villains. One thing I didn't like about the book? Cal. I know Cal is an essential part of the story, but seriously, I didn't like that he was just discussing around with Sebastian all the time, geez! xD

And Max's sarcasm... "WHO INVITED LAUGHING BOY?" I think that was the BEST quote in the whole book! One thing I also liked is that Salah suddenly gets the hability to speak. "She doesn't speak because she doesn't want to", says Phelan, a boy that ends up as Salah's boyfriend. I think that quote was very... weird. It was an awesome quote though. Anyway, what I disliked of the book was that everything in the battle happened too fast, but it was okay. Maybe the battle with the Gograth's wasn't the best scene from the book, but it was still okay.

Once again, Caveney does an amazing job, and I think he did the best ending ever. Sebastian ends up alone. When he gets to this city called Veltan, the villagers tell him that Jenna Swift and The Kid (characters from the second book) are dead. Sebastian is broken-hearted, since he was in love with her. Cal ends up dying and becomes a Night Runner, but at least he gets to be with his best friend, Galt. And for Aaron? Aaron dies doing what he always wanted, defeating the Night Runners. His mission was complete now.

This book was an amazing ending for the trilogy, and I really expect that soon, there is a fourth book on that pending adventure they say they will have at the end of the book! ;)

I give it 5 cookies:

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