miércoles, 18 de julio de 2012

A Buffalope's Tale (& something I found out!)

Say whaaat? Guess what I found out people! Something that really amazed me. Ok, so while googling information for a fourth book of the Sebastian Darke series, I finally found an official letter written by Philip Caveney!
"Just a word to all you Sebastian Darke fans out there, to let you know that I’m currently editing the fourth and final book in the series, Prince Of Spies – and that, all being well, it will be released in September 2012."

Isn't that cool? I'm really surprised, seriously. I think most of you knew already but I found out the cover on Amazon, it looks kind of weird but I'm pretty sure they'll change it to the style of the other covers, you know... the ones that go with the Kindle e-books (http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/6143H9LdPrL._SL500_AA300_.jpg)

Oh well, now to the review... sorry I just got really excited. September will be a month of books! The Cyndi Lauper memoir is coming out and so is Prince of Spies, gah! :D

Ok, now, for the book... IT WAS SOOOOO AWESOME! Guys, this book was too much for my feelings. I loved how Caveney mixed all those Max stories, he made me feel very interested in the book. The Max in "A Buffalope's Tale" is a totally different Max from the Darke trilogy. In the trilogy, Max is just a complaining buffalope, he's a nice creature but he's very lazy... and who would blame him? After all those years of working! In "A Buffalope's Tale", we get to discover Max's first years.

This book is amazing, you get touched in the heart because of what happens to Max in his childhood... All his adventures are so interesting and well, I think this book is very surprising for the Sebastian Darke fans because this is a totally different Max. This Max is a hard-working creature, an enthusiastic buffalope who loves his master.

I think "A Buffalope's Tale" is very funny, all the jokes and everything made me laugh a lot... "What's fat, stupid, and full of wind?" -"Oh don't be so hard on yourseeelf!" Hahaha! That made me laugh a lot. Caveney made his best, Alexander's jokes are way funnier than Sebastian's. Although the ending didn't make me happy (the ending was really fast, all Max had to do is get Old Mags to the house to help out Mistress Sarah on her birth), the book was excellent, and even better than I expected. Yes, I had really low expectations for this book, but it ended up being really good.

I think this is not a reading for everyone, this is a reading for the people that had read the other Sebastian Darke books, or else, they will feel totally lost and they won't appreciate correctly the book, or just won't understand the different personalitites of the books.

Anyway, I have to say it was great. I give it 4.5 cookies

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